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[WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
2 participants
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La Colline (43)
Date d'inscription :
Sujet: [WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
Lun 2 Avr - 4:09
Et voilà, toutes les cartes de Dark Portal enfin dévoilées (en manque vraiment que très peu):
1. Anchorite Kalinna (U)
2. Grumpherys (U)
3. Nathressa Darkstrider (U)
4. Phadalus the Enlightened (U)
5. Ruby Gemsparkle (U)
6. Savin Lightguard (U)
7. Telrander (U)
8. Victoria Jaton (U)
9. Zenith Shadowforce (U)
10. Aleyah Dawnborn (U)
11. Azarak Wolfsblood (U)
12. Bulkas Wildhorn (U)
13. Daspien Bladedancer (U)
14. Haruka Skycaller (U)
15. Mojo Mender Ja'nah (U)
16. Morganis Blackvein (U)
17. Morova of the Sands (U)
18. Pagatha Soulbinder (U)
19. Cat Form (C)
20. Claw (U)
21. Cyclone (C)
22. Heart of the Wild (R)
23. Moonkin Form (R)
24. Nature of the Beast (U)
25. Nature's Majesty (C)
26. Rake (U)
27. Swiftshift (R)
28. Thorns (R)
29. Travel Form (R)
30. Wrath (C)
31. Aspect of the Viper (R)
32. Chops (U)
33. Frost Trap (R)
34. Hootie (C)
35. Immolation Trap (U)
36. Lightning Reflexes (R)
37. Point Blank (C)
38. Protect the Master (U)
39. Spirit Bond (R)
40. Trophy Kill (C)
41. Venomstrike (R)
42. Wing Clip (C)
43. Arcane Missiles (C)
44. Arcane Power (R)
45. Arc of Flame (C)
46. Blistering Fire (C)
47. Conjured Sparkling Water (U)
48. Dampen Magic (U)
49. Deep Freeze (C)
50. Evocation (R)
51. Ice Block (R)
52. Mana Shield (R)
53. Scorch (U)
54. Spellsteal (R)
55. Blessing of Freedom (C)
56. Blessing of Sacrifice (R)
57. Consecration (R)
58. Hammer of Wrath (C)
59. Illumination (R)
60. Infusion of Light (C)
61. Lay on Hands (R)
62. Righteous Vengeance (C)
63. Seal of Command (R)
64. Seal of the Crusader (U)
65. Spiritual Attunement (U)
66. Undaunted Defense (U)
67. Brainwash (R)
68. Clarity of Thought (U)
69. Convalescence (C)
70. Greater Heal (U)
71. Inner Fire (R)
72. Inner Focus (R)
73. Lightwell (R)
74. Mana Burn (R)
75. Mind Vision (C)
76. Power Word: Shield (C)
77. Renew (U)
78. Shadow Word: Death (C)
79. Ambush (R)
80. Blade Flurry (R)
81. Distract (C)
82. Kick (R)
83. Master of Deception (R)
84. Mind-numbing Poison (U)
85. Prey on the Weak (C)
86. Purloin (C)
87. Shiv (C)
88. Slaughter from the Shadows (R)
89. Slice and Dice (U)
90. Vanish (U)
91. Ancestral Spirit (C)
92. Earth Elemental Totem (R)
93. Fire Nova Totem (U)
94. Flame Shock (C)
95. Flametongue Weapon (U)
96. Grace of Air Totem (R)
97. Lightning Shield (R)
98. Lightning Storm (U)
99. Mana Tide Totem (R)
100. Shock and Soothe (C)
Dernière édition par le Lun 2 Avr - 4:15, édité 1 fois
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La Colline (43)
Date d'inscription :
Sujet: Re: [WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
Lun 2 Avr - 4:10
La suite:
101. Stormstrike (R)
102. Surge of Life (C)
103. Curse of Tongues (U)
104. Doomguard (R)
105. Eye of Kilrogg (C)
106. Fel Armor (R)
107. Fel Domination (R)
108. Hellfire (R)
109. Morfiel (U)
110. Mortal Delights (U)
111. Piztog (C)
112. Ritual Sacrifice (C)
113. Shadowburn (R)
114. Shred Soul (C)
115. Anger Management (R)
116. Bloodrage (R)
117. Challenging Shout (U)
118. Commanding Shout (C)
119. Cruelty (R)
120. Crushing Blow (C)
121. Intercept (C)
122. Killing Spree (R)
123. Revenge (U)
124. Slam (U)
125. Thunder Clap (R)
126. Vigilance (C)
127. Dual Wield (U)
128. Diplomacy (U)
129. Escape Artist (U)
130. Heroic Presence (U)
131. Shadowmeld (U)
132. Stoneform (U)
133. Arcane Torrent (U)
134. Berserking (U)
135. Blood Fury (U)
136. Cannibalize (U)
137. War Stomp (U)
138. Boat to Booty Bay (E)
139. Desperate Block (C)
140. Echoes of the Shifting Sands (E)
141. First to Fall (C)
142. Flash of Steel (C)
143. Fortune Telling (R)
144. Furious Resolve (C)
145. Legend of Mount Hyjal (R)
146. Lessons in Lurking (C)
147. Malfunction (C)
148. Rest and Relaxation (R)
149. Swift Assault (C)
150. Turn Aside (C)
151. Unraveled Plans (C)
152. Unwelcome Visitor (C)
153. Apprentice Merry (C)
154. Avanthera (C)
155. Barnathrum, Lord of Pain (C)
156. Bretander of the Claw (C)
157. Brother Rhone (C)
158. Bubula del Kissel (C)
159. Cerwyn (C)
160. "Chipper" Ironbane (C)
161. Darnassus Sentinels (C)
162. Durdin Hammerhand (C)
163. Field Commander Olinnae (U)
164. Gertha, The Old Crone (U)
165. Goldenmoon (U)
166. Gustaf Trueshot (R)
167. High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind (E)
168. Ilandre Moonspear (R)
169. Ivus the Forest Lord (E)
170. Jeleane Nightbreeze (C)
171. Kal'ai the Uplifting (R)
172. Kallipssa (U)
173. Kavai the Wanderer (C)
174. Korthas Greybeard (C)
175. Lady Kath (U)
176. Lilnas the Calm (C)
177. "Lowdown" Luppo Shadefizzle (R)
178. Lynda Steele (C)
179. Margaret Fowl (C)
180. Marshal Reginald Windsor (E)
181. Master Mathia Shaw (E)
182. Meekway Humzinger (U)
183. Miner Moggun (C)
184. Mya, Dragonling Wrangler (C)
185. Pithran Mithrilshot (U)
186. Primalist Naseth (U)
187. Raul "Fingers" Maldren (C)
188. Reverend Tobias (C)
189. Scaramanga (C)
190. Seraph the Exalted (R)
191. Steelsmith Joseph Carroll (U)
192. Tim (C)
193. Valanos (C)
194. Vestia Abiectus (C)
195. Vindicator Enkallus (C)
196. Warden Ravella (C)
197. Wisp (U)
198. Araelun (C)
199. Bhenn Checks-the-Sky (C)
200. Bluffwatchers (C)
201. Boneshanks (C)
202. Branu Wildbloom (C)
203. Clara Graves (U)
204. Dark Cleric Ismantal (U)
205. Dayna Cousin-to-Sun (C)
206. Debros Cousin-to-Moon (C)
207. Dramla Lifebender (R)
208. Elithys Firestorm (C)
209. Gamon (U)
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La Colline (43)
Date d'inscription :
Sujet: Re: [WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
Lun 2 Avr - 4:14
Et enfin:
211. Greefer (C)
212. Grunt Baranka (C)
213. Guardian Steppestrider (C)
214. High Overlord Saurfang (E)
215. Ja'zaron (C)
216. Julia Graves (C)
217. Kalnuf Eagleheart (C)
218. Katsin Bloodoath (C)
219. Koringar the Heavy (U)
220. Kralnor (U)
221. Leeza, Tomb Robber (C)
222. Lokholar the Ice Lord (E)
223. Magran Proudstep (C)
224. Morik (C)
225. Naolin Sunsurge (R)
226. Nyn'jah (C)
227. Outrider Zarg (C)
228. Plagueborn Meatwall (U)
229. Queen Sylvanas Windrunner (E)
230. Ra'chee (C)
231. Rexxar (E)
232. Scout Omerrta (C)
233. Sister Rot (C)
234. Stone Guard Rashun (R)
235. Tanwa the Marksman (U)
236. Thysta Spiritlasher (U)
237. Tiril Dawnrider (C)
238. Tyrus Sheynathren (U)
239. Vanda Skydaughter (C)
240. Warcaller Zin'bawa (R)
241. Warmaster Hork (R)
242. Waz'luk (C)
243. Field Repair Bot 74A (U)
244. King Mukla (R)
245. Overseer Oilfist (C)
246. Stitches (E)
247. Aegis of the Blood God (E)
248. Argent Defender (U)
249. Belt of the Archmage (R)
250. Bracers of the Eclipse (R)
251. Crimson Felt Hat (U)
252. Crown of Destruction (R)
253. Elven Chain Boots (U)
254. Immovable Object, The (U)
255. Magiskull Cuffs (U)
256. Mugger's Belt (U)
257. Observer's Shield (U)
258. Onslaught Girdle (R)
259. Ornate Adamantium Breastplate (U)
260. Pads of the Dread Wolf (U)
261. Vambraces of the Sadist (U)
262. Wristguards of True Flight (U)
263. Jin'do's Bag of Whammies (R)
264. Jin'do's Evil Eye (R)
265. Major Healing Potion (U)
266. Penelope's Rose (U)
267. Ramstein's Lightning Bolts (U)
268. Ring of the Unliving (E)
269. Trance Stone (U)
270. Anathema (R)
271. Blackcrow (U)
272. Fel Iron Hatchet (U)
273. Felstriker (E)
274. Gurubashi Dwarf Destroyer (R)
275. Halberd of Smiting (U)
276. Hellreaver (U)
277. Jin'do's Judgement (R)
278. Lobotomizer, The (U)
279. Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers (R)
280. Scimitar of the Nexus Stalkers (U)
281. Silent Fang (U)
282. Staff of Dominance (R)
283. Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker (E)
284. Touch of Chaos (R)
285. Unstoppable Force, The (U)
286. Viking Warhammer (U)
287. Will of Arlokk (U)
288. Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds (E)
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Nombre de messages
La Colline (43)
Date d'inscription :
Sujet: Re: [WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
Lun 2 Avr - 4:15
J'ai failli oublier les quêtes:
289. Crown of the Earth (C)
290. Inoculation (C)
291. Manhunt (C)
292. Operation Recombobulation (R)
293. Perfect Stout, The (C)
294. Raene's Cleansing (C)
295. Refugee's Quandary, A (C)
296. Relics of Wakening, The (R)
297. Rescue the Survivors! (R)
298. Tundra MacGrann's Stolen Stash (R)
299. Wanted: "Hogger" (R)
300. Felendren the Banished (R)
301. Haunted Mills, The (R)
302. Hidden Enemies (C)
303. Lazy Peons (C)
304. New Plague, A (C)
305. Poison Water (C)
306. Rite of Vision (R)
307. Solanian's Belongings (C)
308. Test of Faith (C)
309. Thwarting Kolkar Aggression (C)
310. Zalzane (R)
311. Alas, Andorhal (U)
312. As the Crow Flies (C)
313. Divino-matic Rod (C)
314. Donation of Silk, A (C)
315. Dying Balance, The (C)
316. Finkle Einhorn, At Your Service! (C)
317. Green Hills of Stranglethorn, The (C)
318. Samophlange (U)
319. Scourge Cauldrons, The (C)
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Date d'inscription :
Sujet: Re: [WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
Mar 3 Avr - 3:24
La thunderFury(283) et le Destroyer of World (288) raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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Sujet: Re: [WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
[WoW]Dark Portal se dévoile...
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